SpyDefi Lite Bot
SpyDefi Lite offers abridged versions of our main bot commands, on top of two brand new commands, for seamless integration into public and private groups.
Add @SpyDefiLite_Bot to your group to bring an edge to the analysis and content at the top of your members fingers.
👁 /checkcalls ~ Discover not only where to find the best plays early but also how much exposure a project has had so far! This command followed by a contract address will show you the 5 earliest callers on the project, how many calls so far and other invaluable information.
📊/checkstats ~ Level up your Telegram trading experience through the power of data. This command followed by the @ of a call channel will bring up an overview of their performance in key metrics such as profitability, consistency, average Xs and marketcap called etc.
👑 /checkachievements ~ An analytical snapshot at your fingertips. See how a channel's calls perform through this command that displays every achievement they have secured since being tracked. Please refer to our gitbook for full clarity on what each entails.
🥊 /vs ~ Settle the 'which channel is better' debates once and for all! Simply use the /vs command followed by two channel @s to compare them on key metrics and see who really is the MVP.
🤖 Subtle enrichment of other bots. Our bot is coded to react anytime a contract address is posted in a group without being intrusive. It will offer the scanner of the contract address the opportunity to click a button to views calls on the scanned project, only displaying them if ever clicked.
Remember it will need to be Admin as per usual bot integration.
If you need any help with the integration of of the bot into your group, do not hesitate to DM @ggems23.
Last updated