How to join the Network
Whether you're one of the most established names in the space or someone beginning their journey as a KOL today, we are open to onboarding all channels of varying sizes and stature.
To fill out our database we have already collated a list of various KOLs in the space and integrated them already into our network, so you may well find that you, as a KOL, are already onboarded and do not have to do anything to begin: receiving achievements, ranking up the leaderboard and being eligible for a stats page.
Please note that our database has been reset multiple times during testing and is relatively fresh, meaning you may well find that many calls that are a week or so older will not be visible or tracked.
As we a V1, we haven't yet developed aspects of our bot logic as comprehensively as we plan to, as a result there isn't currently a way to find out if you are tracked or not.
In the interim, the best way to check if you are tracked or not, is to attempt to /checkstats <insert your channel name> in our @spydefi_bot .
If you find that a stats page is generated after using this command then you do not need to do anything, you are a fully integrated KOL in our network!
If, however, the command returns an error message it means you are not currently tracked by us.
To become tracked simply use the command /trackme <insert your channel name> we will then manually approve you shortly afterwards.
You will then be able to check you are tracked by once again attempting /checkstats <insert your channel name>
Until you make a new call from the point of us manually approving you, to you checking the /checkstats command, it will still show as an error.
Once you have:
Completed the /trackme <insert your channel name>
Been manually approved by us
Made a call since that point of approval
You will then be a fully onboarded and tracked KOL in our network.
Last updated