How to make a tracked call
When designing the bot we had in mind that we wanted to ensure as minimal disruption to how a KOL makes calls/posts on their channel whilst still being able to track them.
There are some very basic things to note about making calls if you are wanting them tracked:
A call will ONLY be tracked if there is a contract address or chart link in the call post. Just posting a Telegram group link will not track the call.
We decided against tracking prelaunch calls as we felt these could allow the system to be gamed and easy achievements secured by people simply posting hyped launches. If you wish for a call that you made to be tracked in some capacity, you will need to make a post about it once it is live and include the contract address or chart. It will then track the progress of the call from the moment of that post.
Each time a post is made in a tracked KOL's group that has a contract address or chart link in, the bot will attempt to track it as a new call unless it is already in our database. With our database only a week old, if KOLs wish to avoid erroneous tracking of old calls (that were made before our database began tracking), they should avoid putting a chart or contract address in their update posts. This will become largely a non-issue over time as the database becomes weeks/months/years old and then update posts containing charts/contract addresses will be no issue as they will be updating calls that were already tracked.
If you are not tracked and wish for your calls to be tracked by Spy Defi, see the commands sections to learn how to become tracked!
Whilst our system is designed to only reward profitable calls with exposure, we are acutely aware of the potential ability to game the system largely through channels, especially newly set up ones, posting a huge volume of calls in the hope of inevitably catching a handful that do well. Despite making reference to the culprits being potentially newly set up channels specifically to join the network, there are still a plethora of more established channels that we feel simply go against the vision Spy Defi has in terms of quantity vs quality of calls.
In short, channels run the risk of being untracked/removed from the network for:
An unreasonable amount of calls on average a day
Low quality calls , i.e just a post of a contract address every time with zero context
Posting a suspiciously high number of scams
Other. Purposeful gaming of the system to exploit either users or gain an unfair advantage.
Whilst we are keen to avoid playing judge and jury and allowing the algorithm and achievement system to work in tandem, we equally feel there needs to be a manual element to upkeep quality control.
Last updated